Sacrificed in Shadow (Ascension #1) - S.M. Reine I received Sacrificed in Shadow in exchange for a fair and honest review. I can honestly say that I have no idea where to start. Yes, Sacrificed in Shadow is that kind of book and I think it is already safe to say that Ascension is destined to be that kind of series.First there were the characters. Wow… The supporting characters were just as strong and as important as the main characters. With a cast this size, that was quite a feat, but it was pulled off seamlessly. I wasn’t sure about Lincoln and where he was going to fit. I wasn’t even sure if I liked him or not. There was definitely more to him that I expected. I’ll just leave it at that. I like getting glimpses into the minds of more than one character so I enjoyed the POV switch. To me it keeps things interesting and S.M. Reine’s books are usually full of very interesting characters. Sacrificed in Shadow was definitely no exception.Then there was the world building. There was a lot to build on because this series ties the worlds of two separate series together in some very interesting ways. This is definitely a book that keeps you on your toes. The imagery was amazing and there was just enough familiarity to give readers a frame of reference and go with it.Combine all this with a fair amount of heat (of the smexy variety) some nasty demons, crazy magic, plenty of action and a mystery that keeps you guessing about what’s really going on until the last minute and you have one amazing read. Exactly what you would expect from this author. Things don’t end in a cliff hanger exactly, but you know that there is more in store for all the characters involved. Things hang in the balance for more than one and I can’t wait to see where this series takes this unlikely alliance.In case you don’t know, the Ascension series brings the worlds of Seasons of the Moon and Descent together. I love the way the stories are woven. Although I haven’t finished either of the previous series, I still followed what was happening. The only thing that it did do was spur me to go back and finish both series ASAP. You can probably start with Ascension, but I’d suggest starting at the beginning with Seasons of the Moon. There’s enough back story given to keep you from being confused, but you’re really missing out on a fantastic journey if you don’t.The next book in the Ascension series is Oaths of Blood and it’s already on my TBR list.